June 25, 2024
11 °C London, UK

How to Make Schnitzel

How to Make Schnitzel A schnitzel is a thin slice of meat, usually thinned with a meat tenderizer, and fried. This dish has many versions and is popular throughout the world. It can be made […]

How to Make Paella

The rice dish known as paella originated in Valencia, Spain. Although it is commonly considered Spain’s national dish, it is also the favorite dish of Valencians. Its unique flavor and unique preparation makes it one […]

What Is Jamón Ibérico?

Jamón ibérico is cured pork leg from Spain or Portugal. The leg is also known as presunto ibérico. Although it’s produced in Spain, you may also find it in Portugal. If you’re unsure, here’s how […]

The Best Ways to Eat Polenta

The Best Ways to Eat Polenta While polenta is considered a traditional Northern Italian staple, it’s gaining popularity for its versatility. From creamy porridge to layered terrines, polenta can be a healthy, guilt-free comfort food. […]

How to Make Labskaus

How to Make Labskaus If you are looking for an authentic culinary experience, try trying a Labskaus recipe. This dish is a northern German specialty that uses salted meat, potatoes, onions, and pickled gherkin. Some […]

Greek Salad With a Kick

Greek Salad With a Kick A Greek salad is a popular side dish that is often made with tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, feta cheese, olives, and caper berries. The ingredients are then dressed with salt, Greek […]