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How Much Bike Travel Do I Need?

how much bike travel do i need

How Much Bike Travel Do I Need?

The most common question we get is how much bike travel do I need? This answer depends on your riding style, skill level and terrain. Weighing these factors will help you decide which bike is right for you. But if you’re not sure, here are some things to consider. For starters, you should think about how far you ride each day. If you like to bike in the woods, you may want a bike that is short and stiff.

First of all, you should know your riding style. What sort of terrain do you ride? Is it mostly smooth and flat, or are there some steep hills and rocky areas? How much suspension do you need? This is one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make when buying a new bike. But it will help you decide what type of bike will suit your riding style and your budget. The more travel you have, the more comfortable you’ll be.

For trail riding, short travel bikes are ideal. These bikes offer 100-120mm of travel, which is enough for most riders. They also offer more responsiveness and agility than their longer-travel counterparts. However, you should keep in mind that short-travel bikes are not recommended for hardcore tracks. If you’re riding on gentle trails, you’ll be fine with a 100-120mm fork. If you’re riding on rougher trails, a 130mm fork is sufficient. For light free riding, however, a 140mm fork is the recommended amount.

If you’re riding on rough, steep, and narrow trails, you’ll need a bike with less travel than those with long travel. You’ll have to decide how much you need to travel on a bike to ensure your safety. You should also consider how much you’ll use it for. The longer the range, the more fun it will be. If you can’t decide on a style or terrain, consider buying an FS model.

The amount of travel that you need depends on your riding style and terrain. If you’re a beginner, a bike with too little travel is better for steep trails, while a bike with too much will make you feel unsafe. While some mountain bikes have long suspensions, others are only for flat land. For more extreme trail riders, a longer bike means that the travel is too tight for them. This is the reason for the need for longer-travel bikes.

The amount of travel that you need on your bike depends on the terrain and style you ride on. On the other hand, a bike with a large suspension may be too heavy for a beginner. A short travel mountain bike is the best choice for mellow trails. But a long-travel bike will give you less comfort and stability when pedaling. This is also why a FS mountain bike has too much travel.

If you’re a mountain biker, you’ll need a bike with at least 100mm of travel. A short-travel bike is good for mellow terrain, but not for steep trails. A long-travel bike has more suspension than a short-travel one. If you’re a hard-core rider, a shorter-travel mountainbike will be more comfortable on mellow terrain.

When choosing a bike with a long suspension, consider your riding style and terrain. Some bikes are better for mellower trails. But they won’t be the best choice for steep terrain. For these reasons, you should also consider the length of the bike. If you’re a beginner, you’ll want to choose the right model for your needs. Otherwise, you’ll have to compromise between the size and the weight of your mountain bike.

Once you’ve decided your style and terrain, you’ll need to consider how much bike travel you need. You might need a mountain bike with more travel than you need for a smooth trail, while a short-travel bike is more efficient in mellower terrain. For beginners, it might be too much for a mellow trail. You’ll need more suspension for your riding style.

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