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Revive Travel Cars Ltd and United Travel Cars Ltd

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Revive Travel Cars Ltd and United Travel Cars Ltd

Revive Travel Cars Ltd is a Private Limited Company from DUNSTABLE, ENGLAND. It was incorporated on 07/09/2010 and has the registered number 12892379. The company’s registration number is 96090. The company was first listed in the Companies House in October 2011. It is now a part of the ‘other’ category. The company has been trading for about 11 years.

The company was incorporated in 2010 and was granted a company number 07367564. It is a private limited company and has been in business for more than 6 years. It has undergone two changes of name and has been operating since then. Currently, the company is in liquidation. The business has less than 10 employees, 863,000 GBP in capital and sells less than 296 million GBP worth of goods per year. However, despite its low turnover and low credit rating, the business is still thriving and has a reasonable level of credit.

United Travel Cars Ltd was formed on 07/09/2010 in BEDFORDSHIRE, The United Kingdom. Its Company Number is 07367564. The company has no owner or manager and no products or services are listed on its website. Its current status is ‘liquidated’. There are fewer than ten employees and a yearly turnover of under two hundred million GBP. Its credit rating is normal.

UNITED TRAVEL CARS LTD is a private limited company in BEDFORDSHIRE, The United Kingdom. Their company number is 07367564. The company was incorporated on 07/09/2010. As of today, it is in liquidation. It has fewer than 10 employees, 863,000 GBP in capital and less than 296 million GBP in sales. Its credit score is normal.

UNITED TRAVEL CARS LTD is a private limited company in BEDFORDSHIRE, The United Kingdom. It was incorporated on 07/09/2010. Its Company Number is 07367564. Its current status is ‘liquidated’. The company employs less than ten people and has a capital of 863,000 GBP. Its annual revenue is less than two billion GBP.

UNITED TRAVEL CARS LTD is a private limited company located in BEDFORDSHIRE, The United Kingdom. Its Company Number is 07367564 and was registered on 07/09/2010. The company has liquidation status. Its capital is less than 863,000 GBP and its sales per year is less than two hundred and sixty million GBP. Its credit rating is normal. The telephone number for this private limited company is 01582 515151.

UNITED TRAVEL CARS LTD is a private limited company based in BEDFORDSHIRE, The United Kingdom. It was established on 07/09/2010 and issued with a Company Number of 07367564. It is in liquidation status. Despite its liquidation status, the company employs less than ten people. Its annual sales are less than two hundred and sixty million GBP. It has a normal credit rating.

UNITED TRAVEL CARS LTD is a private limited company located in BEDFORDSHIRE, The United Kingdom. It was incorporated on 07/09/2010 and was given a Company Number of 07367564. As of the most recent annual reports, the company has a liquidation status and less than 10 employees. Its capital is 863,000 GBP. Its annual sales are less than two billion GBP. Its credit rating is normal.

UNITED TRAVEL CARS LTD is a private limited company in BEDFORDSHIRE, The United Kingdom. It was registered on 07/09/2010 and issued with a Company Number of 07367564. The company is currently in liquidation status. Its capital is 863,000 GBP and it has a low annual sales volume. Its credit rating is considered to be average. When the company goes bankrupt, it is likely to be insolvent.

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